2022年8月19日在不列颠哥伦比亚省部分重新开放Othello隧道, Othello Tunnels partially reopened in British Columbia on August 19, 2022, after a 3-year closure due to water damage.
Othello隧道是不列颠哥伦比亚省一个受欢迎的旅游目的地,在因水损坏关闭近三年之后,于2022年8月19日部分重新开放。 Othello Tunnels, a popular tourist destination in British Columbia, reopened partially on August 19, 2022, after nearly three years of closure due to water damage. 三个隧道中的两个已经重新开放,从主停车道和Ketle Valley铁路道到2号隧道可以进入。 Two of the three tunnels have been reopened, accessible from the main parking and the Kettle Valley Railway trail up to Tunnel 2. 其余地区,包括2号隧道与希望Nicola Trail之间的KVR轨迹,仍然关闭,以进行进一步的岩石工程和桥梁更换。 The remaining areas, including the KVR Trail between Tunnel 2 and the Hope Nicola Trail, remain closed for further rock work and bridge replacement. 环境和气候变化部计划在2025年全面重新开放。 The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change projects a full reopening in 2025.