因为健康原因, 澳门领导人何一成不会在10月13日选举前寻求连选连任。 Macau's leader Ho Iat-seng won't seek re-election due to health reasons before Oct 13 election.
澳门领导人贺一诚宣布,由于健康原因,他不会寻求连任,就在10月13日领导人选举前几周。 Macau's leader Ho Iat-seng announced he won't seek re-election due to health reasons, just weeks before the leadership election on Oct 13. 自2019年12月起担任总统的胡,一直致力于重振受疫情影响的澳门经济. Ho, in office since Dec 2019, has focused on reviving Macau's economy, which was hit by the pandemic. 该市的70万居民中,只有大约400名赞成立宪的选民有资格投票。 The city's leadership election will have only around 400 pro-establishment figures out of its 700,000 population eligible to vote.