Chevron计划投资1B 在一个孟加拉创新中心, 到2025年创造600个就业机会。 Chevron plans to invest $1B in a Bengaluru innovation center, creating 600 jobs by 2025.
Chevron计划投资1B美元在印度孟加拉鲁建立Chevron工程和创新英才中心,到2025年创造600个就业机会。 Chevron plans to invest $1B in establishing the Chevron Engineering and Innovation Excellence Centre in Bengaluru, India, creating 600 jobs by 2025. 该中心的目标是推动数字转换,支持全球业务,并制定低碳能源解决方案。 The center aims to boost digital transformation, support global operations, and develop low-carbon energy solutions. 作为该国第一个工程和创新规模中心,它充当了与印度人才和Chevron全球专门知识合作的平台。 As its first engineering and innovation hub of scale in the country, it serves as a platform for collaboration with India's talent and Chevron's global expertise.