印度航空公司为宽体飞机提供无线飞行中娱乐服务“Vista”。 Air India introduces 'Vista', a wireless in-flight entertainment service for wide-body aircraft.
印度航空公司为其宽体飞机推出无线飞行中娱乐服务“Vista”, 提供不间断的娱乐, Air India introduces 'Vista', a wireless in-flight entertainment service for its wide-body aircraft, offering uninterrupted entertainment including live flight tracking maps. 这项服务目前部署在Bluebox的Blueview平台上,使乘客能够在个人设备上流内容,并与iOS、Android、Windows和macOS兼容。 The service, currently deployed on Bluebox's Blueview platform, allows passengers to stream content on personal devices and is compatible with iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS. 印度航空公司计划把Vista 扩大到窄体飞机和整个机队 Air India plans to expand Vista to narrow-body planes and the entire fleet.