总部位于弗吉尼亚州的Defcon AI为军事物流AI开发筹集了4400万美元的种子资金. Virginia-based Defcon AI raises $44M in seed funding for military logistics AI development.
以弗吉尼亚州为基地的起步机构 " Defcon AI " 筹集了44M元种子资金,用于为复杂的军事后勤制定 " AI " 解决方案。 Defcon AI, a Virginia-based startup, raised $44M in seed funding to develop AI solutions for complex military logistics. 该公司的软件利用机器学习和数学优化模拟假想并产生高效结果。 The company's software uses machine learning and mathematical optimization to simulate scenarios and generate efficient outcomes. 通过与空中机动司令部签订的1500万美元政府合同和现实应用,Defcon AI旨在扩大其经过认证的软件能力,以处理机密信息,并在国防部和私营部门中增强其存在. With $15M in government contracts and real-world applications with Air Mobility Command, Defcon AI aims to expand its certified software capabilities to handle classified information and grow its presence within the Department of Defense and private sector.