美国空军授予AI型电子战系统开发合同。 U.S. Air Force awards contract for AI-driven electronic warfare systems development.
美国空军向太平洋防卫和感官公司授予了一项合同,利用人工智能和机器学习开发先进的电子战系统。 The U.S. Air Force has awarded a contract to Pacific Defense and Perceptronics to develop advanced electronic warfare (EW) systems using AI and machine learning. 合同的重点是将这些技术纳入现有的软件框架,以便处理无线电频率数据。 The contract focuses on integrating these technologies into existing software frameworks to process radio frequency data. 将在加利福尼亚州新罕布什尔州和弗吉尼亚州开展工作,计划在作业环境中进行飞行测试。 Work will be conducted in New Hampshire, California, and Virginia, with flight testing planned in operational settings.