前总统特朗普在一次集会上错误地声称,副总统卡马拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)投票决定从医疗保险中削减2730亿美元,指的是《通货膨胀削减法案》。 Former President Trump incorrectly claimed at a rally that VP Kamala Harris voted to cut $273B from Medicare, referring to the Inflation Reduction Act.
前总统特朗普在一次集会上错误地声称,副总统卡马拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)投票决定从医疗保险中削减2730亿美元,指的是《通货膨胀削减法案》。 Former President Trump incorrectly claimed at a rally that VP Kamala Harris voted to cut $273B from Medicare, referring to the Inflation Reduction Act. 这部法律得到哈里斯的支持,实际上降低了处方药成本,规定了支出限额,并使医疗保险官员能够谈判药品定价,在10年内节省纳税人237B美元,但不减少福利。 This law, supported by Harris, actually lowers prescription drug costs, sets spending limits, and enables Medicare officials to negotiate drug pricing, saving taxpayers $237B over 10 years without reducing benefits. 特朗普为医疗保健计划提出的拟议预算侧重于供应商减少和效率,而不是影响受益者。 Trump's budget proposals for Medicare focused on provider reductions & efficiency, not impacting beneficiaries.