由于大流行的影响和消费者行为的变化,位于 Riverside 的 Five Points 的精酿啤酒零售商和酒吧 Alewife 于 10 月关闭。 Craft beer retailer and taproom Alewife in Riverside's Five Points closes in October due to pandemic impacts and consumer behavior changes.
Alewife是一家位于Riverside's Five Points的精酿啤酒零售商和酒吧,将于10月关闭,这是最近关闭的第三家企业。 Alewife, a craft beer retailer and taproom in Riverside's Five Points, will close in October, marking the third business to shutter recently. 所有者都列举了流行病的影响和消费者行为的变化,希望有一个类似的企业来取代这些影响。 Owners cite pandemic impacts and changing consumer behaviors, and hope a similar business replaces them. 市议员Jimmy Peluso强调支持尊重社区气氛的小型当地企业的重要性。 City council member Jimmy Peluso emphasizes the importance of supporting small, local businesses that respect the community's vibe.