2023年在伦敦Tulse Hill的27岁的Nam Nguyen因囚禁、殴打和强奸被判处17年徒刑。 27-year-old Nam Nguyen sentenced to 17 years for captivity, assault, and rape in Tulse Hill, London, 2023.
27岁的Nam Nguyen因2023年在伦敦Tulse Hill关押一名妇女而被判处17年监禁,并被判处4年有期徒刑。 27-year-old Nam Nguyen was sentenced to 17 years in prison with an additional 4-year extended sentence for holding a woman captive in Tulse Hill, London, in 2023. 该妇女多次遭受攻击和强奸,脊椎骨折。 The woman endured repeated assaults and rape, sustaining a fractured spine. 侦探总监Seb Adjei-Addoh赞扬了彻底的调查和都市警察对解决暴力侵害妇女和女童问题的承诺。 Detective Chief Superintendent Seb Adjei-Addoh praised the thorough investigation and the Metropolitan Police's commitment to tackling violence against women and girls.