2024年11月,南伦敦的居民因贩毒、滥用和过失杀人等罪行被判刑。 In November 2024, South London residents were sentenced for crimes including drug dealing, abuse, and manslaughter.
2024年11月,数名南伦敦居民因各种罪行被判刑。 In November 2024, several South London residents were sentenced for various crimes. Dominic Fitz-Campbell因领导80,000英镑的冰毒行动而被判处十年监禁。 Dominic Fitz-Campbell received 10 years for leading an £80,000 meth operation. Fars Mtawea因威胁家庭虐待受害者而被监禁36个月,并面临驱逐。 Fars Mtawea was jailed for 36 months for threatening a domestic abuse victim and faces deportation. Diego Solarte是一名泰拳道教练,因性虐待少女被判处9年徒刑。 Diego Solarte, a taekwondo coach, was sentenced to nine years for sexually abusing young girls. Anthony Akinniranye因两起刀口抢劫被判6年徒刑,Ashley McCabe因在一场危险的M25车祸中造成一名摩托车手死亡而被监禁。 Anthony Akinniranye got six years for two knifepoint robberies, and Ashley McCabe was jailed for causing a motorcyclist's death in a dangerous M25 crash.