43岁的Lorenzo Vella, 欧洲委员会驻马耳他代表机构负责人,去世。 43-year-old Lorenzo Vella, European Commission Representation head in Malta, passed away.
43岁的Lorenzo Vella, 欧洲委员会驻马耳他代表机构负责人,在短暂患病后去世。 43-year-old Lorenzo Vella, European Commission Representation head in Malta, passed away after a brief illness. Vella, 有两个孩子的父亲, 2023年6月开始服役。 Vella, a father of two, served since June 2023. 罗伯特·阿贝拉总理和伊恩·博格外长向欧洲联盟委员会代表表示哀悼,以纪念他的遗产。 Prime Minister Robert Abela and Foreign Affairs Minister Ian Borg offered condolences, with the European Commission Representation honoring his legacy. Vella以前曾担任马耳他在欧洲委员会的常驻代表,在马耳他政府担任各种职务。 Vella previously held Malta's Permanent Representative role in the Council of Europe and served in various positions within the Maltese government.