在KY的普拉斯基县,6岁男孩在与值班警官的SUV相撞时丧生。 6-year-old boy killed in collision with off-duty police officer's SUV in Pulaski County, KY.
在肯塔基州普拉斯基县与值班警官的SUV发生碰撞时,6岁男孩丧生。 6-year-old boy killed in collision with off-duty police officer's SUV in Pulaski County, Kentucky. 兰开斯特警察局一名非执勤警官Derrick A. Glover驾驶一辆SUV,当时一辆SUV与一辆摩托车相撞,由没有头盔的儿童驾驶。 An off-duty officer from the Lancaster Police Department, Derrick A. Glover, was driving an SUV when it collided with a motorcycle being driven by a child without a helmet. 事件发生在Old Norwood路附近的美国27号, 造成这名儿童在现场死亡, 目前肯塔基州警方正在调查此事。 The incident occurred on US 27 near Old Norwood Road, leaving the child dead at the scene, and is currently under investigation by the Kentucky State Police.