与明尼苏达大学兽医学院合作,试验宠物的癌症成像技术。 Optiscan Imaging partners with University of Minnesota's veterinary faculty to trial cancer imaging technology on pets.
与明尼苏达大学兽医学院合作,试验宠物的癌症成像技术,以取代传统病理学方法。 Optiscan Imaging partners with University of Minnesota's veterinary faculty to trial cancer imaging technology on pets, aiming to replace traditional pathology methods. 合作使用Optiscan的数字成像系统和对比染色、荧光素。 The collaboration uses Optiscan's digital imaging system and a contrast dye, fluorescein. 如果成功的话,它可以在动物护理方面创造新的标准,并开发美国庞大的家养宠物市场,每年诊断出癌症。 If successful, it could create new standards in animal care and tap the vast US market of domesticated pets diagnosed with cancer annually.