Meta以AI为基础的温和态度受到立法者的批评,因为据称允许非法药品广告。 Meta's AI-based ad moderation faces criticism from lawmakers for allegedly allowing illicit drug ads.
Meta对AI的温和依赖正在引起被指控允许非法毒品广告的问题,受到两党立法者团体的批评。 Meta's reliance on AI for ad moderation is causing issues as accused of allowing illicit drug ads, facing criticism from a bipartisan group of lawmakers. 7月,据技术透明度项目报告,Meta继续从数百个促销非法毒品的广告中获利。 In July, the Tech Transparency Project reported Meta continued to earn from hundreds of ads promoting illegal drugs. Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg 强调了AI对广告服务进行革命的潜力,但该公司对AI的使用引起了法律问题。 Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has emphasized AI's potential for revolutionizing ad services, but the company's use of AI raises legal concerns.