由于下水道中断,54 000加仑废水溢入Lejeune营地的新河。 54,000 gallons of wastewater spilled into Camp Lejeune's New River due to a sewer line break.
在下水道中断后,54 000加仑废水溢入北卡罗来纳州Lejeune营地的新河。 54,000 gallons of wastewater spilled into Camp Lejeune's New River in North Carolina after a sewer line break. 公共工程部门将废水转移到一个露天沟渠,但水流超过了封闭能力,导致水被破坏。 The public works division diverted wastewater to an open ditch, but the flow exceeded containment capacity, leading to a breach. 真空卡车清除了多余的废水,对受影响地区施用石灰,并修复了主干断口。 Vacuum trucks removed excess wastewater, lime was applied to the affected area, and the water main break was repaired. 地表水样品将由基地和NC环境质量部收集,以供分析。 Surface water samples will be collected by the base and NC Department of Environmental Quality for analysis.