澳大利亚在线书籍零售商Booktopia被DigiDirect所有者Kradjian收购,公司被保留,并保留所有员工. Australian online book retailer Booktopia was acquired by digiDirect owner Kradjian, preserving the company and retaining all employees.
澳大利亚在线图书零售商Booktotia被DigiDirect所有者Shant Kradjian收购,从三年的无利可图中拯救了公司。 Australian online book retailer, Booktopia, was acquired by digiDirect owner Shant Kradjian, rescuing the company from three years of unprofitability. 包括移交所有资产和业务在内的交易于星期五晚间结束,导致所有雇员留用和增聘100名工作人员。 The deal, including the transfer of all assets and operations, was closed on Friday evening, leading to the retention of all employees and the recruitment of 100 additional staff. 网站恢复了贸易,并维持了Booktotia的贸易债权人供应的连续性。 The website resumed trading, and Booktopia's trade creditors' supply continuity was maintained.