AIMCo同意在澳大利亚购买Yeeda集团5 500澳元,等待监管机构批准。 AIMCo agreed to buy Yeeda Group in Australia for $55M, pending approval from regulatory bodies.
加拿大艾伯塔省投资管理公司(AIMCO)同意在澳大利亚购买Yeeda Group,价格为55万澳元,包括牧所、牛群和KMC abattoir。 Canada's Alberta Investment Management Corporation (AIMCo) agreed to buy Yeeda Group in Australia for $55M, including pastoral stations, cattle herds, and KMC abattoir. 该协议为北部畜牧和牛肉加工基础设施的未来提供了确定性。 This deal provides certainty for the future of northern pastoral and beef processing infrastructure. 这项购置案有待外国投资审查委员会和WA牧地委员会批准,此前是AIMCo公司在澳大利亚农业和木材部门的投资。 The acquisition, pending approval from Foreign Investment Review Board and WA Pastoral Lands Board, follows AIMCo's previous investments in Australia's agriculture and timber sectors.