Harry王子和Meghan Markle在哥伦比亚巡视期间,参观了San Basilio de Palenque这个由逃脱的奴隶创立的历史性村庄。 Prince Harry and Meghan Markle visited San Basilio de Palenque, a historic village founded by escaped slaves, during their Colombia tour.
Harry王子和Meghan Markle在哥伦比亚巡视期间访问了卡塔赫纳的一所鼓式学校,与当地学生和哥伦比亚副总统Francia Márquez一起参加了鼓式课,并收到了一艘小木船作为沿海城市的纪念。 During their Colombia tour, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle visited a drum school in Cartagena, participated in a drum lesson with local students and Colombian Vice President Francia Márquez, and received a small wooden boat as a tribute to the coastal city. 这对夫妇还参观了17世纪逃亡奴隶建立的一个历史性村庄,这是反殖民主义抵抗的象征。 The couple also visited a historic village founded by escaped slaves in the 17th century, which is a symbol of anti-colonial resistance. San Basilio de Palenque村居住着大约3 500名居民,他们维持其独特的文化和传统,包括讲Palenque语。 The village, San Basilio de Palenque, is home to approximately 3,500 inhabitants who maintain their unique culture and traditions, including speaking the Palenque language.