哈里王子和梅根·马克尔出席牙买加鲍勃·马利《One Love》首映式,与齐吉·马利和安德鲁·霍尔尼斯总理合影。 Attending the Bob Marley One Love premiere in Jamaica, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle took pictures with Ziggy Marley and Prime Minister Andrew Holness.
哈里王子和梅根·马克尔周二出席了鲍勃·马利的《One Love》在牙买加的首映式。 Prince Harry and Meghan Markle attended the premiere of Bob Marley's One Love in Jamaica on Tuesday. 人们发现苏塞克斯公爵和公爵夫人在红地毯上微笑着牵着手,与牙买加总理安德鲁·霍尔尼斯和他的妻子朱丽叶合影留念。 The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were spotted smiling and holding hands on the red carpet, where they posed for pictures with Jamaica's prime minister, Andrew Holness, and his wife, Juliet. 这对夫妇心情很好,还拥抱了鲍勃·马利和丽塔·马利的儿子齐吉·马利。 The couple, who were in great spirits, also embraced Ziggy Marley, the son of Bob and Rita Marley.