8月18日,在阿联酋Dibba海岸附近发生3.0级地震,没有重大影响的报道。 3.0 magnitude earthquake near Dibba UAE coast on August 18, no significant impacts reported.
8月18日,阿联酋迪巴海岸附近发生3.0级地震,深度5公里。 A 3.0 magnitude earthquake occurred near the coast of Dibba, UAE, on August 18, at a depth of 5 km. 居民感受到震动,但国家气象中心证实没有给阿联酋造成重大影响。 Residents felt the tremors but the National Centre of Meteorology (NCM) confirmed no significant impacts on the UAE. 阿联酋国家地震网络继续监测该地区的地震活动,自5月17日以来阿曼海也发生了类似的小地震。 The UAE's National Seismic Network continues to monitor seismic activity in the region, with similar minor quakes in the Oman Sea since May 17.