利物浦第60节和第34节规定发布分散命令,以尽量减少严重暴力,保护社区。 Liverpool imposes Section 60 and Section 34 Dispersal Orders to minimize serious violence and protect the community.
利物浦第60节和第34节规定,上午11时至下午1时发布分散命令,赋予警察更大的权力,以拦截和搜查12-70岁的人。 Liverpool imposes Section 60 and Section 34 Dispersal Orders from 11am to 1am, giving police enhanced powers to stop and search individuals aged 12-70. 这些命令旨在尽量减少严重暴力,保护社区免遭混乱。 The orders aim to minimize serious violence and protect the community from disorder. 扩展到火车站,覆盖从默西河到韦弗特里植物园的区域,警察可以扣押用于反社会行为的物品,并逮捕那些在被指示离开后返回的人。 Extended to train stations and covering an area from the River Mersey to Wavertree Botanic Gardens, police can seize items used for anti-social behavior and arrest those who return after being directed to leave. 这些命令是在最近发生国家骚乱事件之后下达的。 The orders were introduced following recent incidents of national disorder.