印度和澳大利亚恢复在悉尼的自由贸易协定谈判,扩大欧洲自由贸易区,增加空间、采矿和体育部门。 India and Australia resume FTA talks in Sydney, expanding on ECTA, adding space, mining, and sports sectors.
印度和澳大利亚将在悉尼恢复全面的自由贸易协定谈判,重点是货物和服务的市场准入。 India and Australia will resume comprehensive FTA talks in Sydney, focusing on market access in goods and services. 他们已经在2022年12月实施临时协议ECTA, 向印度出口者提供6000个部门的免税准入, 以及96.4%的澳大利亚出口。 They've already implemented an interim pact, ECTA, in December 2022, offering duty-free access for Indian exporters in 6,000 sectors and 96.4% of Australian exports. 即将举行的自由贸易协定谈判将包括空间、采矿和体育等新领域。 The upcoming FTA negotiations will include new areas like space, mining, and sports. 澳大利亚是印度在大洋洲区域的主要贸易伙伴,2023-24年有24B美元商品贸易。 Australia is a key trading partner for India in the Oceania region, with $24B merchandise trade in 2023-24.