Google的Gemini AI助理释放了在Android上配有彩色动画的漂浮面板, Google's Gemini AI assistant releases floating panel with glow animation on Android for integrated app experience.
GoogleGoogle的Gemini AI助理正在推出一个新的浮动面板, Google's Gemini AI assistant is releasing a new floating panel with a glow animation for Android devices, providing a more integrated experience within current apps. 用户可以访问Gemini回应及拖放图像, YouTube上更新的“询问此视频”功能提供快速摘要及后续问题。 The panel allows users to access Gemini responses and drag-and-drop images, while an updated "Ask about this video" feature on YouTube offers quick summaries and follow-up questions. 这些功能目前正在推出,并将在今后几周内广泛提供。 The features are currently rolling out and will be widely available in the coming weeks.