从2025年年中开始,新加坡的单身个人将优先进入父母附近的BTO公寓。 From mid-2025, single individuals in Singapore will receive priority access to BTO flats near parents.
总理劳伦斯·在8月18日的新加坡国庆集会上宣布,从2025年中期开始,单身人士将优先获得位于父母附近的按订单建造 (BTO) 公寓. Prime Minister Lawrence Wong announced in Singapore's National Day Rally on August 18 that from mid-2025, single individuals will receive priority access to Build-to-Order (BTO) flats located near their parents. 这项政策的延伸以前仅限于已婚夫妇,旨在帮助单身子女与其年长的父母保持距离,以提供照料。 This policy extension, previously limited to married couples, aims to help single children stay close to their elderly parents to provide care. 国家发展部将在晚些时候公布进一步详情。 Further details will be released by the Ministry of National Development at a later date.