30岁的嫌疑人在逮捕期间用砖头袭击布莱克浦警官,这是正在进行的抢劫调查的一部分;两名嫌疑人被捕。 30-yr-old suspect assaults Blackpool officer with brick during arrest, part of ongoing robbery investigation; two suspects arrested.
在Chesterfield Road被捕时,作为正在进行的对一系列抢劫案调查的一部分,一名布莱克浦警察在被用砖头打中头部时,头部严重受伤,一名警察住院治疗。 A Blackpool police officer was hospitalized with a significant head injury after being struck with a brick during an arrest on Chesterfield Road, as part of an ongoing investigation into a series of robberies. 这名30岁的嫌疑人没有固定住址,因涉嫌抢劫、殴打造成严重身体伤害和重新入狱而被捕。 The 30-year-old suspect, without a fixed address, was arrested on suspicion of robbery, assault causing grievous bodily harm, and for prison recall. 第二名嫌犯,37岁,来自普雷斯顿,因涉嫌抢劫被捕。 A second suspect, aged 37 from Preston, was arrested on suspicion of robbery.