32岁的尼古拉斯·史密斯因试图杀父亲的女朋友而被捕, 受到重罪和威胁罪名的指控. 32-year-old Nicholas Smith arrested in Maine for attempting to strangle father's girlfriend, charged with Aggravated Assault and Criminal Threatening.
32岁的Nicholas Smith在试图勒死他父亲的女朋友之后,在ME农场被捕,当时他正在争论家务事。 32-year-old Nicholas Smith was arrested in Farmington, ME after attempting to strangle his father's girlfriend during an argument about chores. 史密斯被指控犯有严重殴打罪和刑事威胁罪,他承认将这名女子窒息到无法呼吸的地步。 Charged with Aggravated Assault and Criminal Threatening, Smith admitted to choking the woman to the point she couldn't breathe. 他被关押在富兰克林郡拘留中心,保释金500美元。 He is held at Franklin County Detention Center with $500 bail.