阿拉巴马州青少年司机车祸造成 1 人死亡,3 人受伤;没有人系安全带。 Teen driver's crash in Alabama kills one, injures three; none wore seat belts.
阿拉巴马州马歇尔县发生一起致命车祸,造成一名 13 岁女孩死亡,另外三名青少年受伤。 A fatal car accident in Marshall County, Alabama, killed a 13-year-old girl and injured three other teenagers. 车祸发生在 8 月 8 日上午 8 点左右,靠近 Arley Lacey Road 和 Blessing Road。 The crash occurred on August 8 around 8 a.m. near Arley Lacey Road and Blessing Road. 18 年日产 Altima 的 2015 岁司机失去了对车辆的控制,车辆撞上了树桩、路标和栅栏。 The 18-year-old driver of the 2015 Nissan Altima lost control of the vehicle, which hit a tree stump, a signpost, and a fence. 所有受害者都来自阿尔贝维尔市学校,没有系安全带。 All victims were from Albertville City Schools and were not wearing seat belts. 紧急服务部门做出了回应,受影响的家庭正在接受学区的支持。 Emergency services responded, and the affected families are receiving support from the school district. 阿拉巴马州执法局正在调查这起事件。 The Alabama Law Enforcement Agency is investigating the incident.