俄亥俄州参议员JD Vance的妻子Usha Vance(前民主党人)现在支持MAGA议程。 Ohio Senator JD Vance's wife, Usha Vance, a former Democrat, now supports the MAGA agenda.
俄亥俄州参议员JD Vance的妻子Usha Vance已经从前民主党和2016年克林顿的支持者转向完全接受MAGA议程。 Usha Vance, wife of Ohio Senator JD Vance, has shifted from a former Democrat and 2016 Clinton supporter to fully embracing the MAGA agenda. Usha是一位具有精英机构背景的律师,是她丈夫政治生涯的重要支持。 Usha, a lawyer with a background in elite institutions, has been a crucial support for her husband's political career. 尽管她过去与民主党有关,但她公开支持他的政治观点,并表达了对MAGA运动的强烈支持. Despite her past Democratic affiliations, she has publicly aligned with his political views, demonstrating strong support for the MAGA movement.