纽约的Listeria疾病爆发引发了另一个经证实的案件:处于危险中的弱势人口。 New York Listeria outbreak causes another confirmed case; vulnerable populations at risk.
本周纽约州爆发了一场严重的Listeria疫情,导致又一起经证实的案件。 A significant Listeria outbreak in New York State has resulted in another confirmed case this week. 由Listeria单细胞基因细菌引起的疾病每年影响约1 600人,导致260人死亡。 Listeriosis, caused by Listeria monocytogenes bacteria, affects around 1,600 people annually, leading to 260 deaths. 孕妇、新生儿、老年人和免疫杂乱症患者最为脆弱。 Pregnant women, newborns, older adults, and immunocompromised individuals are most vulnerable. 纽约州卫生部公布了一份食品清单,以检查污染和避免污染。 The New York State Department of Health has released a list of foods to check for contamination and avoid.