哈里斯提出了经济提案,重点是创造就业、清洁能源和劳动力培训。 Harris introduces economic proposals focused on job creation, clean energy, and workforce training.
哈里斯提出了新的经济提案 重点是降低美国人的成本 Harris introduces new economic proposals, focusing on lowering costs for Americans. 关键政策要点包括:(1) 投资于制造业以创造就业;(2) 促进清洁能源;(3) 加强工人培训和教育。 Key policy points include: 1) Investing in manufacturing to create jobs, 2) Promoting clean energy, and 3) Enhancing worker training & education. 这些建议旨在刺激经济和改善公民生计。 These proposals aim to stimulate the economy and improve citizens' livelihoods.