巴基斯坦信德政府宣布8月20日为Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai的Urs节日。 Pakistan's Sindh government declares August 20 a holiday for Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai's Urs event.
巴基斯坦信德省政府宣布8月20日为公共假日,以纪念苏菲派诗人沙阿·阿卜杜勒·拉蒂夫·比泰(Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai)的乌尔斯。 Pakistan's Sindh government declares August 20 a public holiday to honor the Urs of Sufi poet Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai. 信德省政府下的所有办事处、学校和企业将关闭,而基本服务仍然活跃。 All offices, schools, and businesses under the Sindh government will be closed, while essential services remain active. 在Bhit Shah举行的为期三天的乌尔斯活动包括诗歌马拉松、会议和文化活动,以庆祝信德人的遗产和Bhitai的文学贡献。 The three-day Urs event, held at Bhit Shah, includes poetry marathons, conferences, and cultural activities celebrating Sindh's heritage and Bhitai's literary contributions.