俄勒冈州州长蒂娜·科特克召开峰会,制定改善夏季和课后学习的计划。 Oregon Governor Tina Kotek convenes a summit to shape a plan for improving summer and after-school learning.
俄勒冈州州长蒂娜·科特克召开了夏季和课后学习峰会,由俄勒冈社区基金会和格雷家庭基金会支持,以制定一个计划,通过高质量的夏季和课后计划改善学生的成功和减少机会差距. Oregon Governor Tina Kotek convened a Summer and After School Learning Summit, supported by the Oregon Community Foundation and Gray Family Foundation, to shape a plan for improving student success and reducing opportunity gaps through high-quality summer and after-school programs. 活动内容包括讨论可持续筹资、解决服务不足的学生面临的障碍以及纳入青年的声音,作为持续教育筹资和学生成功讨论的一部分。 The event featured discussions on sustainable funding, addressing barriers for underserved students, and incorporating youth voices, as part of ongoing education funding and student success discussions.