智力设计竞技场在孟加拉古鲁启动了全球伙伴关系办公室,以促进协作,加快eMACH.ai解决方案的部署。 Intellect Design Arena inaugurated its Global Partnership Office in Bengaluru to boost collaborations and accelerate eMACH.ai solution deployment.
金融科技公司智能设计竞技场有限公司于2024年8月16日在印度班加罗尔开设全球合作办公室,以促进合作并加快其eMACH.ai解决方案的部署. Intellect Design Arena Ltd, a financial technology company, inaugurated a Global Partnership Office in Bengaluru, India on Aug 16, 2024, to boost collaborations and accelerate deployment of its eMACH.ai-based solutions. 办事处促成公司股价上涨1.06%。 The office contributed to a 1.06% increase in the company's stock price. 这一行动旨在加强伙伴关系,提高技术能力,支持扩大金融技术部门客户第一的解决办法。 This move aims to strengthen partnerships, enhance technical capabilities, and support the expansion of customer-first solutions in the financial technology sector.