Expleo 在贝尔法斯特和都柏林成立了人工智能卓越中心,投资 100 万欧元,用于在全球范围内采用人工智能和新兴技术。 Expleo launches an AI Centre of Excellence in Belfast & Dublin, investing €1m, for adopting AI & emerging technologies globally.
Expleo 是一家全球工程、技术和咨询公司,在贝尔法斯特和都柏林建立了人工智能卓越中心,投资 100 万欧元。 Expleo, a global engineering, technology, and consulting firm, launches an AI Centre of Excellence in Belfast & Dublin, investing €1m. 该中心由 Rebecca Keenan 和 Rob McConnell 领导,旨在与学术界、行业合作伙伴和商界合作,帮助全球企业采用人工智能和新兴技术。 The centre, led by Rebecca Keenan & Rob McConnell, aims to help businesses worldwide adopt AI & emerging technologies, collaborating with academia, industry partners, and the business community. 该中心将充当人才孵化器,为企业提供人工智能技能和专业知识。 The hub will act as a talent incubator, equipping businesses with AI skills and expertise.