气候活动家艾伦·坎·伊莱里(Eren Can Illeri)在花旗银行纽约总部被保安殴打后住院。 Climate activist Eren Can Illeri hospitalized after being punched by security guard at Citibank's NY HQ during Summer of Heat protest.
气候活动家艾伦·坎·伊莱里(Eren Can Illeri)在花旗银行纽约总部的一次夏季抗议活动中,一名保安人员殴打他后被送往医院,敦促该银行停止化石燃料投资。 Climate activist Eren Can Illeri was hospitalized after a security guard punched him at Citibank's NY headquarters during a Summer of Heat protest, urging the bank to halt fossil fuel investments. 自《巴黎气候协定》签署以来,花旗银行已向煤炭、天然气和石油项目投资了3963亿美元。 Since the Paris Climate Agreement, Citibank has invested $396.3bn in coal, gas, and oil projects. 今年夏天,由纽约社区变革组织(NY Communities for Change)和其他组织支持的“热暑之夏”(Summer of Heat)活动将目标对准了花旗银行。 The Summer of Heat campaign, backed by NY Communities for Change and others, has targeted Citibank this summer.