1. ULFA(I)声称在24个Assam地点埋设炸弹,后来说技术故障。 1. ULFA(I) claims to plant bombs in 24 Assam locations, later stating technical failures.
ULFA(I)声称在Assam的24个地点埋设了炸弹,导致全国安全警报和搜查尚未发现任何爆炸物。 ULFA(I) claims to have planted bombs at 24 locations across Assam, prompting a statewide security alert and searches that have not yet found any explosives. 小组后来声称,由于技术问题,炸弹未能引爆。 The group later claimed the bombs failed to detonate due to technical issues. 安全部队,包括炸弹处理小组、金属探测器和嗅探犬,已部署到已查明的地点。 Security forces, including bomb disposal squads, metal detectors, and sniffer dogs, have been deployed to the identified locations.