北卡罗来纳州威尔逊县的斯普林菲尔德中学在热带风暴黛比中被 EF-3 龙卷风破坏,维修后将于 8 月 26 日重新开放。 Springfield Middle School in Wilson County, NC, damaged by an EF-3 tornado in Tropical Storm Debby, will reopen on August 26th after repairs.
北卡罗来纳州威尔逊县的斯普林菲尔德中学在热带风暴黛比的 EF-3 龙卷风中受损,将在即将到来的学年重新开放。 Springfield Middle School in Wilson County, NC, damaged by an EF-3 tornado in Tropical Storm Debby, will reopen for the upcoming school year. 龙卷风严重损坏了第6和第7级的翅膀,但建筑服务正在确保和修复损坏。 The tornado severely damaged the 6th and 7th-grade wings, but builder services are securing and repairing the damage. 机动部队将进驻,其余的翼将用来在重建期间容纳学生和工作人员。 Mobile units will be brought in, and remaining wings will be used to accommodate students and staff during rebuilding. 学校将于8月26日重新开放, 强调重建期间的社区团结。 The school will reopen on August 26th, emphasizing community unity during reconstruction.