肯尼亚法院积压案件和腐败拖延了对贩毒者的起诉,助长了犯罪,侵蚀了公众的信任。 Kenyan court backlogs and corruption delay drug trafficker prosecution, fueling crime and eroding public trust.
肯尼亚法院积压案件和腐败阻碍了对主要贩毒者的起诉,助长了与毒品有关的犯罪增加,削弱了公众对刑事司法系统的信任。 Kenyan court backlogs and corruption are hindering the prosecution of major drug traffickers, contributing to an increase in drug-related crime and eroding public trust in the criminal justice system. 由于司法程序缓慢,毒枭利用系统中的漏洞,逃避司法。 Drug lords exploit loopholes in the system and evade justice due to slow judicial processes. 改进案件的准备和陈述、技术实施和解决腐败问题,对于加快司法程序和更迅速地将贩毒者绳之以法至关重要。 Improving case preparation and presentation, technology implementation, and addressing corruption are crucial to expedite the judicial process and bring drug traffickers to justice more swiftly.