卡诺州州长阿巴·尤素夫指示州检察长制定一项打击利用法律漏洞的毒贩的策略。 Governor Abba Yusuf of Kano State directs state Attorney General to develop a strategy against drug traffickers exploiting legal loopholes.
卡诺州州长阿巴·尤素夫对毒贩获得法院命令索回被没收的非法毒品表示震惊。 Governor Abba Yusuf of Kano State expressed shock at drug dealers obtaining court orders to reclaim confiscated illicit drugs. 州长指示州检察长制定强有力的战略,防止毒贩利用法律漏洞。 The governor directed the state Attorney General to develop a robust strategy to prevent drug traffickers from exploiting legal loopholes. 尤素夫强调司法部门和政府行政部门需要合作,保护国家免受毒品贩运的侵害。 Yusuf emphasized the need for cooperation between the judiciary and the executive arms of government to protect the state from drug trafficking.