哈马斯从加沙向特拉维夫发射了两枚火箭弹,这是六个月来的第一次袭击,没有造成任何破坏。 Hamas fired two rockets at Tel Aviv from Gaza, marking the first attack in six months, without causing any damage.
哈马斯周二从加沙向特拉维夫发射了两枚M90火箭弹,这是自5月以来对该市的首次袭击。 Hamas fired two M90 rockets towards Tel Aviv from Gaza on Tuesday, marking the first attack on the city since May. 以色列军方证实,火箭弹落在特拉维夫海岸附近的海域,没有造成任何损害。 The Israeli military confirmed that the rockets landed in the sea off the coast of Tel Aviv without causing any damage. 哈马斯声称对这次袭击负责,称这是对以色列针对平民的行动和人民流离失所的回应。 Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack, stating it was in response to Israeli actions against civilians and the displacement of their people. 这次袭击发生在以色列在加沙的持续压迫以及以色列与哈马斯之间日益紧张的情况下。 The attack comes amidst ongoing Israeli oppression in Gaza and increasing tensions between Israel and Hamas.