Craig Mycock, 一名阴茎癌幸存者, 阴茎全部被切除, 原因是癌症在大流行病期间传播。 Craig Mycock, a penile cancer survivor, had his entire penis amputated due to cancer spread during the pandemic.
克雷格·迈科克 (Craig Mycock) 是阴茎癌幸存者,他水地分享了他的经历,包括因在疫情期间癌症扩散而截肢了他的整个阴茎. Craig Mycock, a penile cancer survivor, tearfully shared his experience on "This Morning," including the amputation of his entire penis due to cancer spread during the pandemic. 最初,医生计划进行部分驱离和重建,但这一流行病导致他们单独前往医院看病,发现癌症已经蔓延。 Initially, doctors planned a partial removal and reconstruction, but the pandemic led to a solo hospital visit where they found the cancer had spread. Mycock的故事启发了主持人和观众, 他的妻子也分享了观看他心理健康旅程的斗争。 Mycock's story inspired hosts and viewers, and his wife shared the struggle of watching his mental health journey.