Aston Bay和美国西部金属公司证实,在努纳武特的风暴铜项目中,通过钻探发现了高等级铜。 Aston Bay and American West Metals confirm high-grade copper discovery at Storm Copper Project in Nunavut through drilling.
Aston Bay和American West Metals通过在Cyclone和Chinook矿床正在进行的钻探活动,在努纳武特萨默塞特岛的Storm铜项目中确认了高品位铜。 Aston Bay and American West Metals have confirmed high-grade copper at the Storm Copper Project in Somerset Island, Nunavut, through ongoing drilling activities at the Cyclone and Chinook Deposits. 已经完成了超过15,500米的钻探,Tempest探矿地也开始钻探。 Over 15,500 meters of drilling have been completed, with the Tempest Prospect also commencing drilling. 2024年的钻探计划旨在达到20 000米,迄今的结果显示,已知的近地铜矿藏有可能显著横向扩展。 The 2024 drill program aims to reach 20,000 meters, and results so far indicate potential for significant lateral extension of known near-surface copper deposits.