女演员杰西卡·阿尔瓦面临高高的恐惧 遇到蛇 在奥地利打高尔夫 Actress Jessica Alba faced fear of heights, encountered a snake, and played golf in Austria.
女演员杰西卡·阿尔瓦在奥地利度假,令人兴奋,但可能很危险。 Actress Jessica Alba had a thrilling, yet potentially dangerous, vacation in Austria. 她面对着攀岩时高高的恐惧, 与女儿荣耀遇上蛇, 在埃尔莫的高尔夫俱乐部Wilder Kaiser打高尔夫球。 She faced her fear of heights during rock climbing, encountered a snake with her daughter Honor, and played golf at the Golfclub Wilder Kaiser in Ellmau. 她感谢Instagram的东道主和导游使她的行程难忘。 She expressed her gratitude to her hosts and guides on Instagram for making her trip unforgettable. Alba分享了一系列她逃离时的照片和视频, 包括89个“近死”时刻。 Alba shared a series of photos and videos from her getaway, which included 89 "near death" moments.