33岁的Amber Luke, 被称为“蓝眼睛白龙”, 花250K美元在纹身、身体改造和化妆程序上, 分享她在Instagram的12年旅程。 33-year-old Amber Luke, known as "Blue Eyes White Dragon," spent $250K on tattoos, body modifications, and cosmetic procedures, sharing her 12-year journey on Instagram.
33岁的安珀卢克,又名蓝眼睛白龙, 改变了她的外貌,通过纹身、身体改造和化妆程序。 33-year-old Amber Luke, also known as "Blue Eyes White Dragon," has transformed her appearance through tattoos, body modifications, and cosmetic procedures. 她身上有98%以上的纹身, 她在Instagram上分享了12年的旅程, 收到了成千上万的喜好和正面的评论。 With over 98% of her body tattooed, she's shared her 12-year journey on Instagram, receiving thousands of likes and positive comments. 卢克花费了大约 250,000 美元进行修改,包括眼球纹身和美容增强,例如巴西臀部提升和隆胸。 Luke has spent around $250,000 on modifications, including eyeball tattoos and cosmetic enhancements such as a Brazilian Butt Lift and breast augmentation.