一名 25 岁女子身上有 25 处纹身,包括哈利波特纹身,现在她很后悔。 25-year-old woman with 25 tattoos, including Harry Potter inkings now regrets.
一名 25 岁女子身上有 25 处纹身,包括哈利波特纹身,现在她对自己的所有纹身都感到后悔。 25-year-old woman with 25 tattoos, including Harry Potter inkings, now regrets all her tattoos. 27 岁时,她的胸前和手臂上绣有 8 英寸的心形图案,上面写着一首歌的歌词。 At age 27, she had an 8-inch heart design on her chest and half sleeve on her arm with lyrics to a song. 到了 30 岁时,她意识到自己讨厌自己的纹身并希望可以把它们拿回去。 By 30, she realized she hated her tattoos and wishes she could take them back. 她不喜欢缺乏设计和统一性,并认为它们与她想穿的衣服不相配。 She dislikes the lack of design and uniformity, and believes they don't look right with the clothes she wants to wear. 这名女子在曼彻斯特担任会计,她经常穿长袖上班以遮盖身上的纹身。 The woman, who works as an accountant in Manchester, often wears long sleeves to work to hide her tattoos.