发现15辆汽车,包括顶级卖家,消耗燃料和排放的排放量高于实验室试验中所称的燃料和排放量。 15 vehicles, including top-sellers, found to consume more fuel and emit higher emissions than claimed in lab tests.
澳大利亚汽车协会 (AAA) 对 15 辆汽车(包括最畅销的 utes)进行了测试,发现其中 9 辆汽车消耗的燃料比实验室测试中声称的要多,其中 4 辆汽车的排放量超过了允许的排放量。 15 vehicles, including top-selling utes, were tested by the Australian Automobile Association (AAA) and found that nine consumed more fuel than claimed in lab tests, with four vehicles exceeding their allowed emissions. 由联邦政府资助的 " 现实世界测试方案 ",根据欧洲准则对车辆进行测试,提出了在销售时是否应该向消费者披露真实世界测试结果的问题,因为仅仅依靠实验室测试可能会增加燃料成本。 The Real-World Testing Program, funded by the federal government, tests vehicles based on European guidelines, raising questions about whether real-world testing results should be disclosed to consumers at the point of sale, as relying on lab tests alone might lead to increased fuel costs.