费城的学校由于市政债券供资不足而面临维修不足的问题。 Philadelphia's schools face inadequate maintenance due to suboptimal municipal bond funding.
费城公立学校由于市政债券融资效率低下而面临失修,每借一美元中只有43美分用于学校的保养和维修。 Philadelphia's public schools face disrepair due to inefficient municipal bond funding, with only 43 cents of every dollar loaned for maintenance and repairs reaching schools. 缺乏全州范围的筹资方案和金融危机,如1993-2001年和2008年的危机,加剧了这一问题。 Lack of a statewide funding program and financial crises, like the one in 1993-2001 and 2008, exacerbate the issue. 推荐的解决方案包括国家基础设施银行和众议员贾马尔·鲍曼(Jamaal Bowman)提出的绿色学校新政,提供1万亿美元的赠款。 Recommended solutions include a National Infrastructure Bank and Rep. Jamaal Bowman's proposed Green New Deal for Schools offering $1 trillion in grants.