利比亚警察在比什尔逮捕了一名在巡逻期间偷运6名尼日利亚妇女的司机。 Libyan police arrested a driver in Bishr for smuggling six Nigerian women during a patrol.
利比亚警察在比什尔逮捕了一名司机,因为他企图在例行巡逻期间偷运六名无证件的尼日利亚妇女。 Libyan police arrested a driver in Bishr for attempting to smuggle six undocumented Nigerian women during a routine patrol. 司机最初声称他们是他的家人, The driver initially claimed they were his family, but authorities found this false and took them into custody. 比什尔警察局正在调查此案。 The case is being investigated at the Bishr Police Department. 监测移民活动的移民救援观察报告了这一事件。 Migrant Rescue Watch, which monitors migrant activities, reported the incident.