联邦法官命令UCLA确保犹太学生的平等机会,禁止抗议者在校园中阻止他们。 A federal judge orders UCLA to ensure equal access for Jewish students, prohibiting protesters from blocking them on campus.
一名联邦法官命令UCLA保障犹太学生的平等机会,禁止该大学允许亲巴勒斯坦的抗议者阻止犹太学生进入学校的教室和其他地方。 A federal judge has ordered UCLA to guarantee equal access for Jewish students, prohibiting the university from allowing pro-Palestinian protesters to block Jewish students from accessing classes and other parts of the campus. 美国地区法院法官Mark C. Scarsi在三名犹太学生提起诉讼后发布了初步禁令,他们声称,该大学使抗议者因其信仰而阻止进入校园的某些地区。 U.S. District Judge Mark C. Scarsi issued a preliminary injunction after a lawsuit filed by three Jewish students, who claimed the university had enabled protesters to block access to certain areas of campus due to their faith. 法官指示加州大学警察、保安和学生事务部门不要援助或参与妨碍犹太学生进入通常可用的方案、活动和校园地区。 The judge instructed UCLA police, security, and student affairs to not aid or participate in any obstruction of access for Jewish students to ordinarily available programs, activities, and campus areas.