白宫否认参与Sheikh Hasina的辞职和离开孟加拉国。 White House denies involvement in Sheikh Hasina's resignation and departure in Bangladesh.
白宫否认参与孟加拉国的政治危机, 包括前总理谢赫哈西娜(Sheikh Hasina)辞职和离职。 The White House denies involvement in Bangladesh's political crisis, including former PM Sheikh Hasina's resignation and departure. 美国官员否认关于美国干涉的指控,称其为虚假。 US officials dismissed allegations of US interference, calling them false. 美国将保持警惕,在全球促进民主和人权,但根据白宫的说法,对哈西娜的离开没有作用。 The US will maintain vigilance and engagement in promoting democracy and human rights globally, but has no role in Hasina's departure, according to the White House.